Cool facts about nerves!
Greetings Science Explorers! This week I have some neat facts about nerves for you! Nerves live as long as we do, they don't reproduce, grow, and die the same way other cells do. When you die, you will die with the same nerve cells you were born with! (To put this in perspective, you more or less have completely replaced all your skin cells every 28ish days) We can increase the density of the white matter in our brain and white matter increases ability of nerves to fire. The white matter in your brain is called myelin, and it insulates the majority of your nerves. (Specifically the axon portion of your nerve) You can rewire good and bad experiences based on the myelin sheath, more you reinforce something the more myelin gets around that axon, the stronger the reinforcement. So to rewire a negative experience you have to reroute that to a positive experience and reinforce the myelin in the new route. You can essentially re-program your brain and override things like fears a...